Kickstarter campaigns wild rewards include a soap that’s always happy to see you!

Bozeman, MT— 4.13.15  Over 80,000 Kickstarter projects have been fully funded since 2009. A staggering 8.2 million backers have contributed to the success of those campaigns. What did those backers get for their nearly $1.3 Billion (yes with a “B”) in donations? A T-shirt? Maybe a “Thank You” on a blog? If Kickstarter is all about creativity and fun and sexy new ideas, then why are backers rewarded with a hat?

Kickstarter alone has over 8,000 live projects, so it is critical the rewards stand out, or in this case stand erect. CleanisTMa project running through May 14th, offers rewards to make you proud. Choose from their namesake soaps with scents like Blueball BerryTM and Limey PeterTM. Even star in their next video. For $1,500, they will fly you to the location and treat you like the VIP you are. You really have to see it to believe it. Their hilarious and safe for work campaign video can be seen at

Perhaps you are looking for the perfect party favor. One that will have everyone blowing up social media. The Cleanis team has you covered. Create your own unit, picking the name, color and scent. Then sit back and watch your guests share hysterical pics and vids.

“Our hope is that bachelorettes, bachelor/bachelors, and people with a keen sense of humor will relate to our project and rewards. It sounds corny, but we really hope to bring more fun and love into the world with our project.” said Matt Kline, Erector Director, Come Clean Company.

Kline’s comment speaks to a simple but important point about successful crowd funding. Have a crowd to fund your project. One of the key facets of any business is identifying and understanding your audience. Let that knowledge drive your message.

The folks behind the Cleanis project have identified their audience. Now their task is to successfully communicate their message of clean, sexy fun and hope it resonates. One way they are spreading the word is by hitting the road. A 6 ½” tall Cleanis costume has been handmade by Kline’s wife. The costume is a brilliant blue, matching the color of their most popular soap, Blueball BerryTM. The costume debuted in March at the Montana State University Latex and Lace Condom Fashion Show. It was a big hit with all in attendance. From there it traveled west to California. You can follow all of the escapades via pictures and videos at

The Cleanis team relishes the chance to meet with fans face to face. “One of my favorite parts of the California trip was wearing the costume in Golden Gate Park. We came across the league and it was a proud moment. Entire teams came running over to have their picture taken. In fact, the first team to come was actually called the Blueballs!” said Kline.

If any of this sounds the least bit fun or interesting, you’ll want to check out the Cleanis campaign on Kickstarter. It runs through May 14th. They have events, contests, videos, and much more in the works. To stay abreast of it all you can follow them on social media, or even join their own Come Clean Club at

Cleanis, Blueball Berry and Limey Peter are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Come Clean Company in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

For more information, press only:

Matt Kline, Erector Director
Come Clean Company
271 Golden Trout Way, Bozeman, MT 59715
M: 406.539.0064

the author

Cleanis, the soap that's always happy to see you! My name is Matt Kline, and I'm the Erector Director at Come Clean Company. We make the Cleanis, the world's sexiest soap. Come clean with Cleanis!