If you’ve ever wanted to play a hack-n-slash game where you actually have to hack & slash, then take a look at this Katana:

Wireless Digital Katana

Designed to be both fast and accurate, the Wireless Digital Katana is intended for both serious Martial Arts training and hacking away at Zombies or Fruit in your games room.
Think you’ve got what it takes to land a critical blow with a Katana? You’ll know in real-time with the Wireless Digital Katana.
Within 140ms your computer will know if you’ve got what it takes to survive the Zombie Apocalypse!

Wireless Digital Katana

If you’re practicing Iaido or Kendo the Digital Katana can give you invaluable feeback on the speed fluidity and positioning of your moves, helping you get the best out of your out-of-hours training.

Built around Arduino hardware the device is as hackable as it is cool. Don’t like the trakcing speed, you can change it, have an idea to make it even cooler, do it, think you can rewite the firmware to add features or improve the ping, make it happen. All too often we end up with controllers gathering dust because there are no new drivers, the developer went under, or you just can’t fix it. With the Digital Katana you’ll have all of the source code, all of the hardware schematics and design files, so will never end up in a situation where the Digital Katana is outdated and useless.

If you’re prepared to test your sword weilding skills and are ready to either practice the art of sword-cutting, or defend the world from Zombies, get on over to the Wireless Digital Katana Kickstarter Campaign and get involved!

If you are interested in the story that led to this amazing piece of hardware have a read over at Gizmodo, Kotaku, or Gamasutra:

Gizmodo – This Wireless Katana Controller Was Built By An Aussie Engineer

Kotaku – Aussie Engineer Builds His Own Wireless Katana Controller, Heads To Kickstarter

Gamasutra – Making the Wireless Digital Katana – Hardware Development in Australia