Weird Wars Rome RPG, Maps, Soundtrack, and More Unlocked

Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Kickstarter, Weird Wars Rome for Savage Worlds, quickly surpassed funding. Digital rewards thus far include an original soundtrack, short adventures, and interior overlays for the poster maps. Most recently, all backers unlocked an 8 page supplement by Jack Emmert (of Cryptic Studios) on the role of class and race, the gods, and myths and legends of ancient Rome.

Weird Wars Rome is the latest in a series of tabletop roleplaying game books for the Weird Wars line by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Weird Wars imagines military campaigns in history twisted by the supernatural for adventures both horrific and violent. In Weird Wars Rome, players are legionaries for the vast Roman Empire encountering the terror of war and far darker things.

The Weird Wars Rome Kickstarter has a simple tier structure where backers automatically receive new digital rewards as each stretch goal is reached—there are no for-pay “add-ons.” Shortly after the Kickstarter’s completion backers will download the completed book as a pdf and any digital rewards that are finished at that time.

Funding levels begin at $20 (“Auxilia”) for the Weird Wars Rome pdf and some digital rewards. Other levels gain the backer two double-sided, dry-erase poster maps, custom dice, GM Screen, 10 full-color archetypes, and adventures: Noctis Germanicus written by the mysterious “Teller,” and The Wellspring by new author John Beattie. Additional digital rewards and other surprises are planned for backers as the Kickstarter continues.

Pinnacle is very happy to support “brick and mortar” retailers as well; the “Merchant” backer level includes multiple copies of Weird Wars Rome in limited edition hardback, softcover “graphic novel” format, GM Screens and Noctis Germanicus adventures, and the poster maps. Best of all, these retailers will receive the products for sale before the regular retail street date.

For fans that cannot wait to get a taste of Weird Wars Rome, two short stories from Pinnacle’s Wendigo Tales line are available at Wendigo Tales are electronic books in the .epub and .mobi (Kindle) formats. Without Fear, by Shane Hensley, creator of Deadlands and Savage Worlds, tells the story of a gladiator bought by a strange cabal and taken to a cursed village on a distant isle–and the strangest arena of his life. With Utmost Dispatch, by bestselling author Aaron Rosenberg, follows the journey of one legionary who must outwit his officers, save his friend, and survive a bloodthirsty horror stalking the dark forests of Gaul.

Weird Wars Rome requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play, also available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group directly and through normal distribution channels. Savage Worlds is a customizable tabletop roleplaying game system usable for any genre—from superheroes to scifi and fantasy—winning several industry awards since its initial release in 2003 including Best Game, Best Setting, Best Adventure, and many more.

For more information, visit Pinnacle Entertainment Group ( The Weird Wars Rome Kickstarter page is

the author

Jodi is Marketing Manager for Pinnacle Entertainment Group, a tabletop roleplaying game company in business since 1994. Pinnacle is most known for the popular Deadlands setting and award-winning Savage Worlds game system. Jodi has been a freelance editor in the game industry for more than 7 years, gaining ENnie Award nods herself with Pinnacle and other game companies.