Watch My Six is a book that guides you on a self-discovery trip. Author Prince E. Eyo presents his personal values and explains how he discovered them, as well as forecasting what our future holds based on new innovation and how it correlates with society’s personal values. This novella is based on the author’s personal experiences and opinions regarding the society we live in today.

Eyo tells his audience a story about cherishing the good times you have with people you care about, doing shadow work and understanding internal pain and suffering, highlighting reasons for important personal values, and more. The way he unravels the mystery in his own life story and applies his lessons to life lessons is extraordinary.

Eyo began writing this book before the death of his brother, but life happens, and we adapt. “I wish different circumstances had motivated me, but something in this world compelled me to finish this manuscript,” he says. This book will inspire you to be the best version of yourself possible while also reminding you to take care of yourself during this difficult time in your life.”

As I begin to promote this book, I need help with working capital and promoting services for the author. You will also be helping an author secure his literary work for future references. I would like to thank you in advance for your time assisting me with this opportunity.

Road Map:

May 2022:

$500-The book: Watch My Six is in the third editorial process of editing.
$4,000- Need assistance with marketing, printing hard book copies of the book, shipping materials, letter supplies, and merchant shipping along with the book.
June 2022

June 1st-10th- Finalize and last-minute details and prepare for the launch of Watch My Six
June 17th- Launch of Watch My Six

Contact Information:

Ask any questions or book updates email me here:

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