We live in a time where technology is at the forefront of our civilization. Technology allows us express ourselves, search for truth, connect with others, and so much more. In ways, it makes us limitless. However, When technology replaces real life experiences, sometimes we lose character building experiences. VirtuLessons takes this all into consideration, and will be a way to learn an instrument with such interactive learning tools that it will feel as though your teacher is there with you… but safer and more convenient!

VirtuLessons makes it easy to study music in the comfort and convenience of your own home by taking interactive music lessons online. The state of the art eClassrooms at VirtuLessons utilize:

– A web chat built into the eClassroom
– An interactive whiteboard where teachers and students can share music documents and write on them as needed
– The frame of each instrument that allows the teacher to highlight necessary keys/buttons
– A metronome
– A notebook for the teachers to take notes on each student this way they will always be up to date and moving forward from week to week, or from teacher to teacher
– Gamified user accounts that allow students to earn badges and level up with experience

Everyone deserves the chance to learn an instrument, young or old, but schools have been cutting funds from this fundamental subject, and it is hard to find time to compensate. Who wants to drive to a lesson studio, or set up their home for a stranger to come? What about families that serve our country or move frequently? Our eClassroom provides high quality online instruction. You will feel as though your teacher is there with you… but safer and more convenient!

You’re going to want to be a part of this
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the author

VirtuLessons makes it easy to study music in the comfort and convenience of your own home at www.VirtualMusicLessons.Net