Grandma’s House is an animated comedy about a father and his three children who visit their grandmother and the antics and innocence that kids are all about. Contributors play an important role in helping me create my dream. They are the essence to help provide the costs of vital things such as characters, voices, etc.
Grandma’s House will need a total of $200,000. The money will be split between many factors such as: Preproduction, script, story board, graphics, etc. We hope to have the film in theatres within two years!
The impact of your contribution will make a dream come true, but for me, it will give me an opportunity to be successful in another aspect of life. For someone who started out small, those are sometimes the most important things. We all like big things, but a little here and a little there will eventually turn into something big. No one starts out with something big. So I really do appreciate the small things. If you think about it, that is what will get me to the next level of being successful on a small scale. Give yourself the opportunity to be successful on a larger scale.
As you get older you find out there really is no happy ever after- after all. However, we are all taught at a young age that you can create your own fairy tale ending if you try hard enough. Yes, odds are about one in a billion, but even then something can happen to destroy the happy ever after part. It is called life and it gets in the way. You learn to go to school to get an education, start working to make a living for food, housing, and all of the other things you need to survive. This project is valuable because it is about family and love. Even though there are some family members you would like to choke until their eyes pop out of their head, you don’t do it because they are your family.
This project is valuable to the contributor because they can be a part of it. They can be a part by contributing and getting credit for the work. Unlike Hollywood, you will get credit for this film; there is no big Hollywood name on this project. Not only can you get credit for this film, but you can actually be in the movie. Not very many people can do that without paying thousands of dollars. Once in awhile there comes along a movie that has great success without any top Hollywood name on it and I believe this film will be.
You can always contribute with today’s internet – like our page on Facebook – it could be the key to get a big company to say “Ok, I will take a look at this movie.” So there is no such thing as you not being able to contribute. Getting another view on Youtube, another like on Facebook, is what will get people to notice. It is the key to success for this film, and that is what Hollywood wants.
Every contribution makes a difference! Thank you and please share our campaign!