Utopia Science Fiction Magazine is a growing science fiction magazine dedicated to publishing optimistic stories that feature hopeful futures we want to live in one day. We at Utopia are firm believers that literature, especially science fiction, influences the way we view the world. When everything we see is dark, post-apocalyptic, dystopia we slowly assimilate that that is what the world is like. Utopia aims to counter this by showing the world a more hopeful place. By publishing optimistic views of the future we can start to envision a better world and what we might do to reach there.

Of course we do so much more than just publish fiction. We publish poems and artwork, science educational articles and trivia as well. We work closely with our artists and authors to edit their works and help them to be the best stories they can be. In our own way, where and when and how we can, we try to make this world a little bit better of a place through stories and education.

Running a magazine, even an online magazine is expensive. We are hoping to raise funds in order to afford another year publishing quality stories and poems. In three years, our magazine has interviewed Hugo Award winning artists, award winning scientists and science organizations, published hundreds of stories and poems and raised over $400 for various charities around the world. We hope to do a lot more in the coming year too.

So please consider backing our Kickstarter, receive exclusive artwork, lifetime subscriptions, workshops with the editors, a chance to sit in on editors’ meetings and podcast episodes, and the chance to shape how our magazine goes forward.

We’re hoping to raise $2,200 to see us through another year. If we’re able to raise more all of it will go into paying our authors better rates.