This is Lightbulb Studios and I’m presenting you guys to Urban Nation!

So, what is Urban Nation?

Urban Nation is a Political/Strategy Game which Simulates the real power of the Government. In this game, you are in control of over 40+ countries that you can play as. Once you choose your country, create your President/Prime Minister, you can start running your country.

As Leader; it’s your job to run your country, appoint policies that will make your country better, attend meetings in your cabinat and summits with other World Leaders. You also have the job to send aid to countries that are suffering and send troops to countries under war. This game depicts the real life struggle and power of the Government. Just don’t get killed or kicked out of Office!

The really cool thing about this game is that you can choose which Type of Government you want to use. You can be a Democratic, Republic, Socialist, Dictatorship or Communist Government. It’s your choice.

I think this game can really benifit people who want to study Politics. People who want to know how the Government works can go to this game and play it without any complications, if they study Politics or not. Democracy 3 (2013) was critisised for it’s “complicated format”. In this game, you don’t need to worry about that. This game is also realistic, unlike Democracy 3 which fans have been complaining about how “unrealistic it is”.

If you want this game to be live on Steam will support from us, please donate and become one of our backers. If you become our backer, you will get the copy of the game for free and also get all the DLC that comes with it free. It’s just a way to say thanks for supporting the funding of this game.

Link to the Crowdfunding Page: