The Sessions of March is an ongoing project that began as a way of documenting and celebrating the depth and quality of Manchester’s independent music movement. There are more great bands and solo artists in Manchester than you can shake a stick at and one man decided there should be a way to celebrate, and give back to this hugely diverse and talented creative community. He took every penny he had and organised a small, dedicated crew to spend a month filming and recording acts such as Jenna & The G’s, Alan Keary’s ‘Shunya’, Honeyfeet plus the up and coming Henge to name but a few.

In March of 2015, twenty six acts took part in nearly eighty performances that are all available to see and hear on the project’s YouTube Channel (which has had over 25,000 views so far). Unique collaborations took place on almost a daily basis. Every act has gained not just a heightened sense of community, but also professional quality videos and recordings of their performances at no cost to them.

The project is currently running a Kickstarter in the hope of funding an even more ambitious array of sessions in March 2016. Over thirty bands and solo artists (including The Mouse Outfit, Buffalo Brothers, The Age of Glass, Lauren Housley and Paddy Steer) are already signed up to take part if the project achieves it’s funding target. Many of them have donated items for use as backer incentives and offered help in any way they can just to make sure that The Sessions of March happens again.

You can find a short promotional selection from 2015’s many and varied sessions here –

We have no budget for marketing and are relying on music lovers and professionals like you to help us spread the word. Time is running out and we have the chance to do something really special. So any help you can give is greatly appreciated.

Contact us directly at


Kickstarter —
Youtube Channel —
Promotional Soundcloud Mix —
Main Website —