The new board game Chaosmos, developed by independent publisher Mirror Box Games, launched on January 2nd and made $30,000 (75% of its goal) in the first three days. It is now completely funded and has unlocked the first three stretch goals. It is on Kickstarter until Feb. 2nd. Chaosmos was called “a miracle… a completely new game system” (Board Game Geek).

On January 15, 2014 Mirror Box Games announced a new modular board upgrade as a stretch goal. This board can configured to the classic galaxy set up, or customized to millions of new configurations that allows for a unique board set up every time. When combined with optional planet effects tokens, the board layout allows for infinite replayability. Chaosmos first debuted at GAMA Trade Show in March 2013, and the creators have run extensive testing during Gen Con. Over 200 new players demoed the game at Gen Con and Board Game Geek Con.


Chaosmos is a space-themed board game set in a collapsing universe, where players assume the roles of aliens on the hunt for a rare artifact that will save their race from impending doom.
Chaosmos is an open-world game featuring several innovative mechanics, including area-specific envelopes of cards, a closed card ecosystem without a draw or draft deck, and a time travel mechanic that can alter the ending. The game also has a unique victory goal similar to a cloak-and-dagger version of Capture the Flag. Despite the chaotic name, Chaosmos is a deep strategic game with a complexity of possibilities and a large amount of choices and a high amount of player interaction.

The response from reviewers and fellow designers has been outstanding:

“The most fun I have ever had playing a board game.” – The Nerdburger Podcast

“The game system is amazingly unique. Players will have a blast outmaneuvering each other with deception, and melting each other’s faces with plasma weapons!” – Doug Malewicki (Designer, Nuclear War)

“Lots of intrigue, surprises, and trickery!” – Bryan Pope (Designer, Mage Wars)

“I don’t know that I’ve ever played a game like this before! The Ovoid… is awesome.” – Tom Vasel

“It tells a story. It’s gripping. It’s something you talk about long after you’ve played it.” – UndeadViking

“Chaosmos is a game about deceit, treachery, lying, backstabbing, all the other fun things you can think of, in an evening with your friends… The most fun really comes at the end of this game, where you start to realize what you thought you knew, you didn’t know!” – CritsHappen

For more information on Chaosmos, check out