Businesses have incredible power and by injecting that power with love, innovation, and creativity we together can solve some of the world’s greatest challenges to ensure our children’s futures are just as light, fun, and full of love as ours have been.

We are a fem-led team of ambitious innovators solving global challenges in a smart and regenerative way, on a mission to build a better world, and we envision a new future of health and wellness based on powerful natural compounds and clean products.

The flow of money, information and resources, should fuel economic networks that support the health and development of human-beings and their productive capacity of their networks. Profit-making is just a part of this structure, not at the center of it.

How do we build regenerative ecosystems?

1- Circulating social capital.
2- Increasing economic mobility and flow where is more needed, in order to alleviate economic necrosis.
3- Focusing our efforts on under-served communities, overlooked by tech.
4- Committing to fellow living beings, communities, and planet, applied at every phase of our business.
5- Catalyzing community, resources, and culture, for building sustainable, local, small industries.

UNAKTI is a clean luxury and sustainable skin and health tech brand, science-backed, technology-enabled, community-driven and gender-neutral, with ecosystems regeneration and women empowerment at the forefront.

With so many so called “organic or natural brands” in the market, how are we different?

We harness a multi-faceted digital strategy that embraces conscious luxury and 100% natural skincare, by showcasing and embracing an unprecedented level of transparency and authenticity into the entire process from cultivation to shelf with the use of AI technology.

•We hit 9 SDGs, we are the first industry player to display carbon impact units in our labels, and our target is to become carbon negative by 2030, by enabling soil, the biggest sink of carbon on Earth, to intensify its capture via natural microbial inputs.

-We have access to unique high-value medicinal and aromatic plants that guarantees the delivery of impeccable quality and high-performance luxury cosmetics.

•We dream of a single-use plastic-free world, therefore we’re developing and patenting a new secondary packaging material, made out of coconut coir and straw with natural rubber from the sap tree, that turns into a birdhouse. This will help to eliminate the use of polymers.

The time has come for new models that balance governance and returns across multiple stakeholders and reset the goals and incentives that drive corporate behavior. Models that treat businesses not as a commodity to be bought and sold, but as a living system -a group of people working towards a shared purpose.

We are creating a path that shapes a better tomorrow, and anyone who takes the time to look at the impact we will create, will want to be part of our journey.

The first stepping stone is the launching of our crowdfunding campaign. By supporting us you’re supporting life.