Watch the official trailer on youtube:
Go to the kickstarter campaign to fund it, and make it a reality: Click this link.

My name is Emen, and I am an independent filmmaker. Filmmaking has always been my dream. I would always stay up till midnight watching that star wars film. I just got into actual filmmaking when I was in 9th grade. That is when I started using After Effects, and I realized how powerful it was. I started playing around with it and I made lots of mini projects. I loved editing videos and making visual fx for them. Last year when I was making a project for my language arts class, I gathered up some of my friends and said, “Lets make a video”. They were not too excited but they still joined me. When the day came for first video shoot I realized the amount of stress that came with directing a film. I had a bunch of teenagers who were not professional actors. I overcame it and started recording and directing the video. Even though my friends were not as enthusiastic as me, I felt another passion coming to me. I loved directing. It was fun and hard at the same time. That is when I decided that I wanted to become a filmmaker.

Just a few weeks ago, I came up with an idea for my first film. As I was playing Street Fighter I noticed how easily this could be put in a good movie. So I looked at the past fighting movies and they were awful. At that point I made up my mind to make a fighting movie that was actually good. This time there wont be any disappointed gamers. I am creating my own original characters with their own story and background. This movie will hopefully blow your mind, once its been funded.

After I decided on plans and everything, I looked around and the only things I found were my dslr, a tripod, and some people. I had no costumes, no stabilizers, and basically nothing to make a movie that isnt just some fancy youtube video. So I frantically was looking for a means to be able to make this movie happen, and someone referred me to kickstarter. I looked on the site and noticed how generous and supportive people can be, and now I am here now trying to promote m campaign. Thank you guys for hearing me out and if you could please help us out, I promise, there wont be any disappointed gamers or indie film lovers.

Please back us up by donating to us through kickstarter. When you go to the site, make sure to click, Back this project. The big green button on the right. From there you will set your funding amount and pay with your credit card. For more information you can contact me at my email: .

Equipment that needs to be purchased:
Dslr Crane – $100
Dslr slider – $100
Dslr steadicam – $80
Costumes – $190
Props – $100

Number of participants:
5 doctors
7 military guys
10 fighters
Multiple extras


EM Ops is a military operations department working for the government. They are ruthless and will do anything in there power to get the perfect soldier. There research department have just recently produced a serum that strengthens and amplifies a human’s abilities. They are searching for someone to use it, because if any random person uses it they will die. The serum will only work on the human who’s abilities have almost reached their peak. In order for EM Ops to find this person, they hold a fighting competition to find the chosen one. In the movie people from different backgrounds have been captured and are being held hostage against there will. EM will do as much research as they can to find out how to perfect the human body. When the time comes, a competition will be held to find out who will take humans to the next level.