Today, sees the launch of East Anglia’s first crowdfunding platform which will allow start-ups, growing and established businesses and researchers to raise funds. BlossomZone ( will be the first crowdfunding platform to be dedicated to entrepreneurs in the Norfolk, Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire and Suffolk.

BlossomZone aims to become a key part of the local economic framework and the go-to site for regional crowdfunding. By working with local business stakeholders, BlossomZone will offer an unrivaled level of connection and engagement between campaign owners, investors and the local economy.

BlossomZone will offer businesses a secure platform through which to raise cash in exchange for a small percentage of funds raised. For supporters, BlossomZone will offer an excellent window on the latest innovations, entrepreneurs and growth businesses that the region has to offer.

Edwin Bailey, founder of BlossomZone, said: “Crowdfunding as a model is set to grow and become an established method to raise money. The sector is young, new opportunities are constantly emerging and a local presence will allow us to create a community of growth businesses and investors.”

Many innovative and technology businesses are attracted to crowdfunding as they often find it difficult to obtain bank financing due to lack of assets against which to secure loans. “BlossomZone will offer entrepreneurs another avenue to raise vital funds for the next stage of their business growth,” commented Mr Bailey.

The web platform is ready to start accepting projects. It is expected that companies using the platform to raise funds will reflect the strength of the regional economy as ventures raising money will have to be headquartered or have a significant presence in the East Anglia area.