Atlanta, GA – The UniBody Fitness System (UB Fit) is the next evolution of fitness. The first wearable tech fitness device to provide resistance, this revolutionary product allows the user to “Dial Up” their workout by receiving the benefits of lifting weights while running, walking, doing aerobics, biking, and more. Since the beginning or time, man has been trying the find the best method to achieve the ultimate workout to tone muscle and increase strength while doing cardio. Until now, the only products the market had to offer were ankle weights, weight vests, or dumbbells.

UB Fit not only provides a complete workout, Unlike traditional weight gear that put excessive pressure on the joints and restrict movement during workouts, it disperses resistance throughout the entire limb, therefore eliminating excessive force on the muscle & joints. And because the system is worn on the arm and legs to move in total unison with the user to allow full range-of-motion and utilizes fluid to simulate the low impact resistance of a pool exercise, it greatly reduces the possibility of injuries. With its patented technique, UB Fit takes the workout outside of the weight room. Imagine athletes performing their normal training routine, sparing running while toning muscles all at the same time! There has never been a product like UB Fit.

The inspiration behind UB Fit was years of therapy and exercise due to an injury the inventor, Freeman Fields I, suffered during his tour in Desert Storm. It was his desire to help others get fit and recover that lead him to create UB Fit. Upon successfully launching UB Fit, He plans on using its technology to create the UniBrace, a brace that will be used to assist ambulant individuals to walk without the aid of crutches and stroke patients with arm movement. (E.g. The UniBrace will assist an injured soldier in the field not only as a splinter but with movement by propelling him forward.) UB Fit is much more than a fitness product, but a means to help individuals live better.

After many years of developing the concept, testing with the initial prototype and generating a small buzz in the fitness community, the time has come to introduce UB Fit to the world. Even though the project is currently in the prototyping and R & D stage, the uniqueness of this concept has generated quite a bit of interest, including a former Shark Tank investor who contacted UB Fit’s inventor after simply seeing the video online and requested to appear on numerous television shows. With one US patent issued, another patent pending, a dynamic logo and brilliant “Dial It Up” marketing strategy, the UniBody Health & Fitness Corp is certain to establish its brand in the world of fitness, health, wearable tech, sportswear and beyond. As one key member in the infomercial industry says, “UB Fit is a game changer”.

In order to the generate the $25,000 needed to further R&D, complete a final prototype and introduce UB Fit to the masses, the inventor has launched a 30 day KickStarter campaign from Nov 5 – Dec 5, 2015. Please support this worthy cause at