Los Angeles, CA – On January 16th, 2016, Two Hundred Feet (lead by guitarist/songwriter PJ Zitarosa) has launched a Kickstarter campaign to help fund the release of their first full-length heavy metal album.

The vision behind the band started with the concept explained by author Jack Canfield, “All we need to see is the next 200ft ahead of us…” With this in mind, PJ came up with the name and started writing riffs.  PJ Explains, “THF’s lyric content is based around love, loss, spirituality and tapping into the power and energy we all have inside of us to accomplish anything we put our minds to.”

Last year PJ recorded the band’s 6 song debut EP titled UnFold with Chandler Mogel on Vocals and a guest appearance by Mike LePond on bass.

You can find their EP UnFold on Spotify and iTunes to check out the first 6 songs for yourself.

Since relocating to Los Angeles, THF has a brand new line up. Chandler is still on vocals and now Shane Gaalaas will be on drums and Jeff Kollman will be producing and playing guitar along side PJ.  Kevin Chown will be playing bass this time around. PJ told us, “We are ready to get back into the studio to record 6 new tracks and release the full 12 song record!”

Two Hundred Feet started their Kickstarter campaign to help fund these next 6 songs and they need your help!  The funds raised during this Kickstarter will cover studio costs for recording, mixing and mastering the 6 new tracks, art work for the record, flying Chandler to Los Angeles from New York, putting together promotional material to advertise the release of the record and shipping all rewards to YOU!

In exchange for pledging to the project, backers can gain access to a variety of rewards including 3 downloadable songs for $10, a digital download of the album for $25 and more!!  Backers can also pledge $50 for a physical copy of the album with a personal thank you in the artwork or $100 for the previous rewards AND a 30 minute Skype lesson with PJ! Higher rewards include a songwriting session with PJ and a solo off the record written out in tablature!

For more information, please visit the Kickstarter page here or contact the creator below.

Contact Information:

Website: www.twohundredfeet.com