Ever wanted to travel but have been held back by lack of money, time, fear or some other reason? Thousands of people across the globe fall victim to excuses and reasons that stop them from truly discovering this world. I, too, have had this problem and that is why I am creating a travel documentary that will show people how to overcome these excuses and inspire them to pack their bags and hit the road.

I will be filming my friend, Miranda, as she hitchhikes across the second largest country in the world, Canada, from coast to coast. We will travel by hitchhiking, couchsurfing, staying in hostels, camping and all forms of budget travel to show you don’t need tons of money to get out there and explore this world. Along the way, we will address all the reasons and excuses that people don’t travel and also, remind people why we travel in the first place and how important it is.

The amount of things that traveling can do for you is endless. It allows you to discover new places, connect with different people, experience new cultures, potential to change your perspectives and also shapes who you are as an individual. They are the reasons why everybody should be traveling. Whether it’s a thirty minute drive to a town you’ve never been or a 18 hour plane ride halfway around the world, it doesn’t matter. The whole point is to just get out there and experience everything this world has to offer.

Were creating this documentary to attempt to make the world a better place. When more people travel, the world becomes more unified and connected and that is exactly what we hope to achieve with this film. Come support us, be a part of something bigger, and join the travel movement.

Website: www.kickstarter.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com