Hi Everyone!

We have a really short campaign and right now we’re almost 90% of the way there. We would really appreciate your support to ensure that Toymail happens! Here’s a little bit about Toymail:

Toymail is like voicemail or email but way more fun because your messages are sent to toys to speak back. Parents, grandparents, cousins, neighbors, friends (really, anyone who matters) can stay connected to kids they love using Toymail.

Think of our toys as messengers. You simply record a voice message using our app from anywhere in the world, hit send, and our Mailmen™ toys will speak them back in their funny voice (or yours). And, kids can reply to you right from their toys. So whether you’re a mom at work, a dad in the checkout line, a friend down the street, or a grandma an ocean away, you can stay connected to the kids you love.

Here’s our video, with Gauri explaining our toy revolution further.

Order our toys on Kickstarter now and you will get 10% off your toys + free shipping when our project is funded! Click here.

Thanks so much for checking us out! We’re innovating every day, so keep up with our progress on our Facebook page and Twitter @ToymailCo.

Here’s our Website! You can email team@toymailco.com for any questions or ideas. Thanks again!