The Town of Light is a video game, a first-person psychological adventure set in a former Italian psychiatric hospital, that draws inspiration from real events and places. The Town Of Light came about through a long process of research in the field of Italian mental health and aims to consolidate the memory of a past which is recent, painful and too often forgotten. Thanks to the enthusiasm with which the project has been welcomed by the Greenlight community, The Town Of Light will be released on Steam.

The game will be released in fall 2014, initially for the PC with native support for Oculus Rift, then for LINUX and MAC OS, and later we also hope for a release on PS4 and Xbox One. The speech will be in English and Italian. There will be subtitles in English, Spanish and German and we aim to be able to add other languages, this is one of our main priorities.

The game is a psychological experience in the first person that has as its protagonist a young schizophrenic woman who spent most of her life in an asylum. The voice of Renee will take us into the game and through her eyes we relive her story and her personal drama. We have to try to rebuild her personality, freely exploring the environment, by finding documents, reliving her hallucinations and trying to interpret what her voice gradually tries to communicate.

This is a summary of the main storyline of the game, the storyline that will see several possible endings and will be accompanied by parallel experiences, which can be approached freely, that will allow us to deepen our knowledge of the asylum and of our protagonist.

We will try to tell this story with due delicacy and respect. The story of Renee did not really happen, but it is “historically accurate”, we have been inspired by real stories and documentaries, trying to keep a historical and psychological credibility, without ever transcending into the supernatural. There will be no “open doors” with “keys to find” and puzzles to solve. There will be no zombies, Nazi conspiracies or monsters that appear suddenly. The “horror ” component of the game is determined by the historical reality of the asylum and the discomfort of mental illness.

If you like our concept and how we are developing the game, please support us as you wish with:

Comment on our Indiegogo Page
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Feel free to do all of these! We would be very happy.

This is our page: The Town of Light – Indiegogo Campaign

Thank you from Team!