Midland, TX — With many Kickstarter campaigns surpassing their funding goals by millions, author C.L. Montgomery has decided to throw her hat into the “crowd.” From the VR headset, Oculus Rift, to the uKeg, a travel-sized beer keg, Kickstarter has changed the way ideas are brought to life.

Kickstarter is a crowdfunding site that gives creators of all kinds a place to get startup capital for their ideas. A person, group, or entity launches a project including everything from what they want to do, to how they plan to do it. Then people, known as “backers,” make pledges to the project’s funding goal. In return, backers get interesting rewards and a chance to be behind the scenes. The catch, it’s all or nothing. If you don’t reach your goal you get nothing and backers pay nothing.

On Saturday, May 6, C.L. Montgomery will launch her first Kickstarter campaign in an attempt to raise $25,000 in order to publish her paranormal romance novel, For All Time. If she reaches her goal she will begin distributing her book to stores and libraries worldwide. But, this is not the first time she has attempted to release this book.

“I tried the ‘print on demand’ route and ended up with a poor quality book at a high price,” said C.L. Montgomery. Now she’s trying to raise enough capital to print a large number of books and distribute them herself. With so many changes in publishing today and the constraints that publishing companies often place on writers, more and more authors are turning to self-publishing and crowdfunding.

“We have decided to go a step further and start a publishing company,” said Evelyn Sitz, the project coordinator and secretary for Enterprise Publishing. “While C.L. Montgomery is not a part of the business, she is part of the family; we will do whatever it takes to bring her dreams to reality.”

Enterprise Publishing is a new company that aims to find new writers and help them get published by utilizing avenues such as crowdfunding for startup capital. After a campaign, has been funded and books begin distribution, they allow their writers to maintain copyrights and keep all of the royalties from book sales. And, For All Time is no different.

For All Time is a paranormal romance that crosses the boundaries of time to find love; bringing the past and present together in a story that will break your heart and make you believe in true love.

“I don’t like paranormal romances, I don’t like romances of any kind,” said Shea Sitz, Co-owner of Enterprise Publishing, the campaign’s project manager, and the graphic designer and editor of the book, “but I love this book, that’s why I’m involved.”

To become part of their crowdfunding journey, sign up for their newsletter and check them out on Kickstarter at www.kickstarter.com or visit them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/CLMontgomeryAuthor and www.facebook.com/ForAllTimeBook

Contact Information:

Evelyn Sitz
Email: evelyn@entertainmententerprise.net
Website: www.kickstarter.com