TiddlyBot is a simple little funbot with some amazing features. It draws, follow lines, and helps with the learning of technology.

Tiddly Bot introduces anyone to the exciting world of robotics in a fun and simple way. Tiddles is great for the learning of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, (STEM) as well as basic robotics and programming. Based on the Raspberry Pi the Tiddly Kit adds robot powers like movement, a multi-colored light, and line-drawing and following. This can be used to help learn and teach programming as well as for playing games. Great for schools and at home.

Our developed software allows things to work out the box. Connect to any smartphone, tablet or PC then remote control Tiddles or program with our customised Blockly Interface. Whether you are young, old, never programmed before, the TiddlyBot can help to teach you, especially as it’s powered by the special Raspberry Pi chip.

TiddlyBot  can draw both freestyle and programmatically.  Several with different colors can make modern art!

Support the TiddlyBot on Kickstarter!