Orbiting the Planet Crohn is the moon of Carnal VI. There, impoverished souls waste away in the ghettos. To make a living, one must either take up illegal activities or find work at the space harbor, where employment is limited. Said poor souls could also engage in Pit-Fighting: A brutal sport where any weapon can be used in an underground Colosseum called the pit. Anything goes. Death is almost certain. The only non-lethal way to down your opponent is either by knockout or ring-out. However, if a contestant loses by said methods, they are tattooed with a giant black circle on their face. Each loss guarantees another black mark. For 3 women, they aim to the top of the ladder, facing off against tougher opponents in order to be the number one fighters on Carnal VI.

The Pit Fighters is a sci-fi fantasy action comic inspired by anime and Afro-Futurism. The plan is to create an action packed comic series featuring 3 bad-ass black women for print and online consumption. The story is separated into three parts. Part 1 will 52 pages long, and the will feature character concept art, prints, and sketches for both the digital and print version. The script is nearly complete and the inks by Sebastian Sala will begin once the Kickstarter goal is met. The funds will go toward commission fees for Sebastian Sala, as well as printing and shipping costs. A stretch goal of an additional $2000 will be commissioning Angel Rd to produce a colored version of the comic for print.

The Pit Fighters is my stepping stone into a much larger universe. I consider this project “The Hobbit” to an upcoming “Lord of the the Rings”, setting up key players and building the lore around the Dark Eye Galaxy. I hope to see this project come to life.