With your help, the Next Generation of super humans can be activated.

What’s the project:
The NEX:GEN project is a series of superhuman novels. Three novels are planned to be released. Phase One of the NEX:GEN project, refers to the first two novels in the series. The funds for this project will go towards a publishing house, who has agreed to go forward with the first two novels in the series. And with your help, you can make the project become a success.

The story:
In an alternate universe, average teenagers have obtained powers. They begin to explore their powers and what limits their powers have. With the setting of the story taking place on a new man-made island in the distant future. Explore their world and what makes these teenagers different from each other.

Rewards for funding:
Rewards are available to anyone who funds any amount to the NEX:GEN project. Depending on the amount funded to the project, will give you the opportunity to get one of these rewards. One of these rewards includes a signed copy of the first novel. And another reward includes a copy of the ebook, once the book has launched. And this way, you’ll be a part of the journey.

Phase Two and Phase Three will need more heroes and villains to join the story. As a part of the rewards in Phase One, you can help with developing the story or a character. The decision is up to you.

With the storyline for Phase One already started. Book one in the series can be released within a month by the publisher after the Kickstarter has come to an end.

By supporting Phase One of the NEX:GEN project, along with you. We can get ready for Phase Two and make NEX:GEN into a superhuman journey, you can help make.

Help with the funding of the NEX:GEN project and become a part of something more.