This is it. We’re making an animation movie! Now, the only question is: how big can we make? We need your help.

The gift is a 3D sci-fi animation film about an alien race attempting to save the planet and human race. The alien race presented knowledge to the human race. The world then used the knowledge to end their problems and lived a better life.


The Leroy animation studios provide family entertainment across various platforms, such as Movies, Television, Literature, Gaming Platforms (including children’s entertainment, and collectible items), and Promotional items. Our products are directed towards teenagers and adults that enjoy dressing as cosplay, and who have an interest in action, drama, and fun.


The story lines are both nonfictional and fictional. Most of the scenes take place out of space and in the ‘new’ United States. The movie includes many surprises and outcomes. There are also many diverse leading roles. The gogetfunding project comes with unique rewards for backers such as; having your name appear in the end credits, gain access to the blog containing the behind the scenes, Etc.


Our team works day in and day out to continuously bring new content to our viewers near and far. Our creator/director Cecil leroy, along with our co-owner/creator Marc bryson writes all our scripts, casts all the voice over actors and creates every aspect of the movie. In addition to the owner/creators, we also have hyndra adriyasa and macon;, our Executives who are the back bone of our company. Everything we do we put God first and allow him to motivate our minds, direct our ideas and dreams. We are passionate, humble and a hopeful team that understand that the best is yet to come.

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You can contact the creator here.
Name: Cecil Leroy
Company: Leroy Animation studios