CTO and former code school administrator have joined forces to mark out the path for self-taught engineers.

The technology industry lacks clear direction, guidance and how-to for novices and early stage professionals. We want to level the playing field for those transitioning into tech. A four year degree isn’t a requirement to be successful here. We know, we’re both self-taught.

“Code School: Overcome Imposter Syndrome. Kick-start Your Career,” or as we like to refer to it: The Code School Book, is a guide for those who want to enter the tech industry but don’t have a computer science degree. We outline proven strategies and actionable next steps for people transitioning into the tech industry.

Imposter syndrome, misinformation, and under-communicated expectations leave bootcamp graduates feeling lost and confused.

Code Schools and bootcamps are changing the way engineers are educated. The format and style of education helps close the educational divide and make the tech industry more accessible. It is both more effective than alternative methods and opens the door to greater opportunities for all. Unfortunately, the path into the tech industry is crowded and confusing. Combining decades of software engineering, hiring practices, and real time examples, we hope to cut through the clutter.

What’s inside:
> Figure out what employers want
> Stand out in interview process
> Succeeding while on the job

This project has been a labor of love. There is no flashy book deal or cash advance. This isn’t backed by a code school nor part of an education business selling add-on services. Keeping true to the mission of, helping more people find their first job in tech, a portion of all proceeds of “Code School” will go towards making programs more affordable for aspiring engineers. We are still vetting options but will likely contribute to an existing grant or scholarship.

The journey into tech must become more accessible to all. We hope you’ll join us in making that a reality.