The short film called The Family Rock is a drama with a bit of a sci-fi twist about coming to terms with the on-coming loss of a parent.

The film is about Cam who upon discovering she is losing her Mom to illness abandons her family. Her conscience starts to drive her crazy when it literally starts spelling out what a big mistake she made.

Cam is going through what a lot of people have experienced at least once. The experience of having an ever present security bubble suddenly burst. What is so horrible about this is, most of the time, we aren’t aware we have this security in the first place. Like so many people who have experienced pain or change, instead of acknowledging and adapting, she buries her head in the sand, ignores and avoids. The Family Rock starts when Cam is forced to acknowledge what she has been avoiding. This is a story about a tragic life changing experience with a twist.

The Kickstarter campaign can be viewed here;

This is an all or nothing campaign. If 100% of the funds aren’t raised by the June 28th deadline The Family Rock doesn’t get any of the donations. So, the event smallest donation can really help. Please visit the Kickstarter and spread the word. It is would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,
The Family Rock Team