My name is Tom Charles Bair III, and this year I wrote what may be the first serialized, multimedia fiction on the Internet as Book One of a tetralogy called Prophets Four Profits. This book is titled The Lawgiver, and the pdf, ebook, and printed versions of The Lawgiver are the central incentive behind my Kickstarter Campaign to attend the Ashbery Home School, which is titled, “Imagine an Internet Worth the Addiction.”

Some of you might be thinking, “Why would I send some artist I don’t know to art school? There’s nothing relevant or urgent about this to me. GOODBYE.”

But that’s not true! Most of us think of time spent on the Internet as time wasted. Given what some of us do with the Internet, we often leave it feeling a little manipulated.

But try to imagine visiting an Internet that instead left you awed or energized. That’s my vision for Internet writing, which I have begun to realize with The Lawgiver, and which I would like to continue with your support.


1. It’s inexpensive to produce!

2. The artists who use the Internet effectively are free to take risks and experiment with their style and subject matter.

3. A much larger percentage of the population can afford to make this art.

4. One person can afford to produce Internet writing without the backing of a team, so the works can be very intimate exchanges.

5. Part of that intimacy is also spurred by Internet writing’s potential to be created in real time.
This email, for instance, is an element of P4P’s fictional processes.

6. Creation in real time allows writers to address urgent issues as events unfold.

7. Real time also transforms Internet writing into a performance-based art.

8. Because it occurs on the Internet, it is naturally a multimedia endeavor.

9. This cross-blend of media supports visual and verbal literacy, and new combinations of the two.

10. Its development is organic to the digital age.

Thanks for reading this far! I hope you’ll take a moment to support the cause. Here‘s the link again. It’s an honor to be able to produce this stuff and share my work. My email is in case you have any questions, comments, or concerns.