The Purple PocketBook

Despite of the raising awareness on gender equality, women, together with their children, still suffer the potential threat of domestic violence. This has always been…

SingledOutApp Launches on Indiegogo

Boston, MA – Sick of hearing about another dating app being introduced and thrown at you with the other three million currently on the market? If…

Atiklaman: African inspired Lingerie and Swimwear

“Ati Klaman”, means ” you are beautiful ” in ” Baoulé”, a West-African language. It is a line of feminine lingerie and swimsuit which mixes…

Twilash – changing the game for eyelash products!

Now introducing TWILASH: the Swiss Army Knife of eyelash products that every woman should carry. An engineered beauty tool that enhances and maintains your eyelashes,…

hippsTOO Mobile Boutique Now Live on IndieGoGo!

She compels the world to notice her. She doesn’t want to look like everyone else, but she wants the same choices – the pleasure of…

New Docu Series to give women in communities a voice seeks funding through Indiegogo

Los Angeles, August 1, 2013 – today announced the launch of an Indiegogo campaign created by filmmaker Brittney Carter for her docu series Women In…

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