Custom Art Made From Your DNA

What We Do What we do is create custom DNA portraits on canvas made from the unique variations in your DNA. Our patent pending process…

Indiegogo Campaign Offers Creative Way To “Donate Part Of Your Heart” For Your Loved Ones!

“Now we can give part of our heart for the people we love!” This is what journalists found looking for innovative ideas on the web. A young…

Farmers Blend Coffee – a Vietnamese Specialty

My name is Dietmar Vogelmann, I am the owner of a small Coffee Roasting Company based in Vietnam. I am on a mission and I…

“Save an Artist” campaign on Indiegogo sets out to turn artists into entrepreneurs!

Boise, Idaho – March 20th, 2015 – Carter Weyrauch is a 26 year old entrepreneurship graduate from Boise State University. He is on a mission to…

Beard Lab – Beard Oils & Moustache Wax

Beard Lab – Beard Oils , Moustache Wax and Grooming Products and Advice. My overall idea is to fund getting new unique bottles to go…

RAVERR: More Of Everything For Your Smartphone

Aesthetically stunning, ergonomically ideal and functionally outstanding, the RAVERR is a smartphone battery case for those who want more. This seamless integration of engineering and…

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