Wallum Slated to Launch on Kickstarter as the Revolutionary “Simple Wallet” for the Up-And-Comer Set

New to Kickstarter, the Wallum credit card holder wallet will soon make a statement one sleekly well-clipped card at a time. Vienna, Austria  – Think…

“20s 20s” Self-published Travel Photobook

The self- published photobook with the photos taken around 24 countries in Asia and Europe in a Taiwanese girl’s 20s. Weichia Ko named her first self-…

Please help me stay in London (Personal Generosity Campaign)

Hi there! My name is Sonia. I am currently a PhD student in London, and I am writing on my thesis, so I’ve been spending…

Travel Movement: Inspiring Travel Across The Globe

Ever wanted to travel but have been held back by lack of money, time, fear or some other reason? Thousands of people across the globe…

golftripsNOW – The Revolutionary New Way To Book Your Golf Vacation!

golftripsNOW, the American partner of GOLFBOO, the European golf package comparison site is said to be “what golfers have been waiting for.” golftripsNOW, is a…

Celebrate Hong Kong’s Markets through Design

Hong Kong — 25 September 2015 | A unique poster series celebrates the street markets of Hong Kong and seeks crowdfund contributions with Kickstarter. The project…

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