Zombie Pinup Divas Playing Cards!

From Zombie King to Royal Flush. What happens when the Artist who launched the world’s first online Zombie Portraits service in 2006 decides he wants to…

SUDDENLY REAL – Crowdfunding for the TRAILER in April

Here it is; what you’ve all been waiting on “Suddenly  Real”. A super sexy Sy-Fy action thriller based on Allan Hall’s classic novel; The Chronicles…

Suddenly Real the Movie

Here it is, what you’ve all been waiting on. A super sexy Sy-Fy action thriller based on Allan Hall’s classic novel. The Chronicles Of Dalon. It’s about time! The…

Driftwood Gear| Handcrafted Wooden Sunglasses Kickstarter Campaign!

Driftwood Gear to Offer Wooden Sunglasses that Allow Buyers to Save Money. Driftwood Gear is a company offering handcrafted sunglasses made from different types of wood….

Help Wanted: Ridiculous Problems. Hilarious Solutions- Breathing Life into Your Party, One Crude Stick Figure at a Time

Do you enjoy busting out the game at parties? Are the inhumane cards sitting on your shelf getting stale? Tired of other games making light…

Unhinged – with Daniel Buran (True Blood, Dexter & Nashville)

Dan Buran (True Blood, Dexter & Nashville) and Missy Amy Johnson will be starring in a short horror film to be filmed this October. UNHINGED…