Asphodel: A Mythic Space Opera

Asphodel is a new creator-owned, independent science fiction comic, written by Alex Kane and handpainted by Gale Galligan. The year is 4419. Vic Delany is a two-thousand-year-old…

Maelstrom’s Edge: a new sci-fi universe and miniatures game

Spiral Arm Studios, an offshoot of, a war gaming community founded in 1997, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to introduce the Maelstrom’s Edge universe…

DOC & KRUEGER Announces Kickstarter for “GENRE” Card Game

Adam “Doc” Brackin and Chris Krueger of Richardson, Texas, are proud to announce the creation of GENRE, a tabletop card and dice game of crazy…

Chicken Outfit #3 : A Fantasy Horror Satire Humor Comic

 Lose your clucking mind! Issue #3 of Chicken Outfit is being released this October 31! TORONTO, Ontario, Canada (April 8, 2015) – Toronto area creative team…

Science Fiction Novel: “I Dreamt of Trees” – Indiegogo Campaign

Winnipeg author launches Indiegogo campaign in support of first novel Winnipeg, MB – November 18, 2014 – Winnipeg author Gilles DeCruyenaere has launched a campaign…

The Song the Zombie Sang Official Crowd Funding Campaign

F.Y.I.D.I. Films is excited to announce the start of their crowdfunding campaign for the feature length film project The Song the Zombie Sang, based on…

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