Was It Just An Accident? …Or Was It Murder?

Christopher O’Connor was found dead in the parking lot of the L’Amour East (also known as “The Edge”) nightclub in Queens, NY on April 11,…

Emerging Artist Fellow Pitches Online to Raise Funds Independently

Kassim Norris, filmmaker, turns to alternative funding sources for  feature film, Adore the Wolf, a narrative story inspired by his own life experiences. Noblesville, IN…

What My Grandfather Didn’t Know

Growing up the daughter or in this case the granddaughter of a famous person is not always a beautiful life, or so it was for…

Crowd Funding a hit on Big Tobacco

Crowd Funding a hit on Big Tobacco

Ever wonder how abortion doctors are murdered and why nobody has ever taken tobacco executives to task? That is the question posed in Dre Allen’s…