FilmFish Launches World’s First People-Powered Movie Recommendation Site

Cambridge, MA – On April 10th, 2015 FilmFish launched an IndieGogo for the world’s first movie recommendation site that thinks about movies the way people do. FilmFish makes finding a…

Platydroid Wants To Make Your Movie

Donna, TX – April 14, 2015 – Platydroid Productions launched an Indiegogo campaign for the Platydroid Package, a service designed to help young filmmakers create…

Katlynn Marie’s Horror & Other Makeup

I’m Katlynn Marie, I live in Texas, I hope to become a professional makeup artist with doing special effects and other body art, I really…

American Dreamland launches on Indiegogo

Now introducing American Dreamland – the feature film from Iconoclast Entertainment out of Boston, Massachusetts is now live on IndieGoGo. This small studio has crafted…

Save me the last dance: the short film campaign from director Rael Abreu is now live on Indiegogo!

Now introducing ‘Save Me the Last Dance’ – the short film campaign is live on IndieGoGo! The famous ego-driven director, Edgar Seni has a dark…

Lights, Camera, Take Action – MC Productions Launches Film Fund

Los Angeles based, MC Productions, has launched its reward-based film fund. If you have a passion for the arts, have ever dreamed of being on…

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