Brush Playing Cards

This post is to inform people about my new Kickstarter project called Brush Playing Cards. The cards are 100% customized. All the artwork was made…

Self-Help Fantasy: An Empowering New Book Genre Has Kickstarted In Dallas

Dallas, TX – After enticing fantasy readers throughout the Dallas/Fort Worth area, author Demethius Jackson has now successfully funded his Kickstarter campaign to promote the…

Kickstarter for The Realmsic Conquest Book Series

The Realmsic Conquest, by Demethius Jackson, has launched its first Kickstarter for The Realmsic Conquest Trilogy. We are excited super excited about the next phase…

Divine Blood RPG Stretch Goals

Worlds are immaterial. They are formed of the perceptions and beliefs we have about the physical phenomena and individual people around us. There are as…

eCounter and eCounter Avatars for Macic the Gathering on kickstarter

A new project has just launched on kickstarter for an innovation on Trading Card Games. eCounters are small digital counters that replace dice during the…


Rüneglaive: Sword of Heroes—a magical book with an unbelievable back-story HOLLYWOOD, CA—In a world of 6-second movies, 140-character insights, and instant image sharing, what’s a…

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