Help Me Send Thousands Of Stickers To People All Over The World!

I am starting a project where I send out at least 50,000 stickers to people all over the world. I am trying to bring together…

Indiegogo Campaign Offers Creative Way To “Donate Part Of Your Heart” For Your Loved Ones!

“Now we can give part of our heart for the people we love!” This is what journalists found looking for innovative ideas on the web. A young…

A Teacher Wants to Give His Best Student an Opportunity of a Lifetime. Help Him do So!

A very loving and giving Australian Film/Cinematography teacher wanted to give an opportunity of a lifetime to his best student. He knew that the Independent…

SUDDENLY REAL – Crowdfunding for the TRAILER in April

Here it is; what you’ve all been waiting on “Suddenly  Real”. A super sexy Sy-Fy action thriller based on Allan Hall’s classic novel; The Chronicles…

One Man’s Idea is Inspiration for All to Make a Change

More than 3 billion people without sanitation live on less than $2.50 a day, and more than 880 million on less than $1 a day.San…

Chocolate is Not Better than Sex Indie Shoots December

Chocolate is Not Better than Sex, Independent Filmmakers, Aleisha Gore, Rebecca Whitman-Boldi, and Kimberly Estrada are making more than just another romantic comedy, chick-flick; they…

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