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		<title>JUMPY, A Cool SmartWatch That Brings “Edutainment” Right to Your Kids’ Wrist And Encourages Parent-Child Interaction</title>
		<pubDate>Tue, 04 Nov 2014 08:18:26 +0000</pubDate>
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					<description><![CDATA[<p>JUMPY is not just another tracking device, locator or fitness band, instead, it helps parents keep tabs on their kids while offering the kids a...</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.crowdfundingpr.org/jumpy-cool-smartwatch-brings-edutainment-right-kids-wrist-encourages-parent-child-interaction/">JUMPY, A Cool SmartWatch That Brings “Edutainment” Right to Your Kids’ Wrist And Encourages Parent-Child Interaction</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.crowdfundingpr.org">Crowdfunding Press Release</a>.</p>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>JUMPY is not just another tracking device, locator or fitness band, instead, it helps parents keep tabs on their kids while offering the kids a wide range of fun yet educational features.</p>
<p><strong>Los Angeles, Calif., Oct 27th, 2014 &#8212;</strong> Joyray Technology Co. Ltd., a startup focusing on developing innovative smart devices for kids, unveiled JUMPY, a smart watch that promotes new ways for kids of age 5 to 8 to learn and interact with their parents. With JUMPY, parents can keep tabs on their children while the children themselves can enjoy this super cool watch without feeling being monitored at all times. JUMPY also includes a set of interactive APPs that help bring kids together and interact with one another. By interacting with these gamify, learning-induced apps, kids are encouraged to go creative, use their imagination on objects around them. Kids learn to be creative during the process.</p>
<p>“Having two kids myself, I’ve learned that the new digital culture we are in right now has brought on some bad influences to our kids, turning them into couch potatoes. Everyone is so wrapped up in his or her own world with all kinds of tech devices. The lack of communication with peers and parents have become a serious issue within modern families,” said Jerry Chang, CEO and Founder of Joyray. After months of research and collaborating with renowned educational app developers, JUMPY now brings “EDUTAINMENT” (Education + Entertainment) straight to kids’ wrist. With JUMPY, kids are able to learn new things in new ways. For example, kids can use  JUMPY as an X-Ray scanner on an JUMPY compatible Anatomy APP on their parents’ iPads. Parents now can join in on the action as a facilitator and partner to educate and interact with their kids at the same time.</p>
<p><strong>New Way to Interact with Cool Devices </strong></p>
<p>JUMPY reinvented how kids interact with their toys. Nowadays, kids have plenty of cool toys to play with, some are even bluetooth-powered, like Sphero. JUMPY can now act as a controller that identifies the motion of its owner and turn the kid into a Jedi knight who is able to control his or her toy in a fun new way.</p>
<p><strong>Building the Foundation of a Healthy Lifestyle</strong></p>
<p>JUMPY tracks kids activity to get kids active and start building healthy habits. Along with JUMPY, it also comes with an app that allow parents to monitor their kids’ activity of the day right on their smart phones even when they are not around. The analytics present data of what kids are up to and how they can use the data to develop a healthy routine and lifestyle form for their kids.</p>
<p><b>Parents And Kids’ Best Friend</b><br />
JUMPY is designed so parents can leverage and automate most of their parenting responsibilities onto their kids’ wrist. JUMPY created an adorable virtual dog to serve as a medium for the parents. Just like human&#8217;s best friend, the dog wakes up the kids in the morning for school, reminds them when it’s time for dinner or bed. It also acts as an alarm clock and “inactive notification” alerts. Now kids can stay active and have a good sense of time management. In addition, JUMPY also helps keep an eye out on them by sending parents a notification even before they start wandering off. No more worrying about kids running out of range.</p>
<p><strong>The Fun Never Ends</strong><br />
JUMPY also comes with open SDK for 3rd-party developers so that more professionals will have the freedom and fun developing innovative apps for JUMPY and further extend its functionality. We are currently working with world-renown educational professionals to develop more interactive language learning games for JUMPY users.</p>
<p>The possibility can be endless.</p>
<p><strong>Pre-Order NOW</strong></p>
<p>JUMPY (Early Bird $99, for children 5 to 8 years old) will be available in TMNT Green, Barbie Pink, Clobberin’ Orange, Captain Blue on Kickstarter for pre-order beginning now. For more information, please visit www.kickstarter.com (coming soon)</p>
<p><strong>About Joyray</strong></p>
<p>Joyray Technology Co. Ltd., is a startup dedicated to smart wearables for children. Starting with 4 talented individuals of more than 10 years of experience in system, SW, app, ID and UX design, our vision is to create a new approach for kids to interact and bond with their parents as well as their peer. With JUMPY, we are hoping to take edutainment to the next level.</p>
<p>Learn more at <a href="http://jumpy.cc">jumpy.cc</a> <b> </b><br />
Contact: <a href="mailto:services@joyraytech.com">services@joyraytech.com</a><br />
Media Contact: Jasmine Chang <a href="jasmine@j323lifestyle.com">jasmine@j323lifestyle.com</a></p>
<p>TM &amp; © 2014 Joyray Tech, Inc. All rights reserved.</p>
<p>The post <a href="https://www.crowdfundingpr.org/jumpy-cool-smartwatch-brings-edutainment-right-kids-wrist-encourages-parent-child-interaction/">JUMPY, A Cool SmartWatch That Brings “Edutainment” Right to Your Kids’ Wrist And Encourages Parent-Child Interaction</a> appeared first on <a href="https://www.crowdfundingpr.org">Crowdfunding Press Release</a>.</p>
		<post-id xmlns="com-wordpress:feed-additions:1">32250</post-id>	</item>