ToyCarMag: The Next Big Little Thing

Double Panda Labs would like to announce the launch of ToyCarMags’ Kickstarter campaign. ToyCarMag is the first ever universal clip-on magnet for 1:64 scale toy…

Elephant Timer Launches on Kickstarter

Inventor Kim Rubin is launching a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the Elephant Timer, a novel device that may soon become adopted as the…

Crowdfunding Campaign Underway For Unlock – The First Ever Short Range Bluetooth Smart Ring

Don’t you just hate it, when your smartphone asks you to enter the pin or pattern each time you want to access it? Doesn’t it…

Promising Crowdfunding Site Set To Release New Cryptocurrency Aug 31st

In an effort to raise startup funds to develop what promises to be an innovative crowdfunding site, is launching a new cryptocurrency on August…

The ShakeSphere Pro: An Innovative design

Discover our exclusive new premium ShakeSphere bottle, Shakesphere Pro, the bottle which will revolutionize the shaker market. Shakesphere Pro enables you to make the most of…

RoarStack: visual creativity story telling card game

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are” – Global Game Jam 2014 Theme Colorado Springs, CO – January 24,…

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