Now introducing The Gong Fu Connection: an Action-Comedy short film with philosophical elements, written and directed by Ted Duran. This feature film campaign is live…
Now introducing OrbFlex ™ Tyro – the innovative exercise product that changes the game for fitness enthusiasts. OrbFlex ™ Tyro is a handheld inverted gyroscopic…
Now introducing the PadBot, a fully functional telepresence robot that changes the way we can communicate. People can use PadBot to represent him/her remotely by…
Now introducing CORE – the newest evolution in Apple iOS Docks. It’s not what you’d expect to see. It’s more like the dock that every…
Now introudicng Pelty – the bluetooth speaker powered by thermal energy, generated by the heat of a candle into the electric energy necessary to power-up…
Now introducing American Dreamland – the feature film from Iconoclast Entertainment out of Boston, Massachusetts is now live on IndieGoGo. This small studio has crafted…