Campfire Films Launches Small Town Mystery On Kickstarter To Find Strong Female Lead

Vancouver, BC, Canada – May 6, 2015 – Campfire Films announces the launch of a Kickstarter campaign for its feature film HEADS YOU LOSE. The…

The first Croatian ballet documentary film

Petite Ballerine, a short documentary about ballet. ‘’Petite Ballerine’’  is a ballet documentary that tells the story of Leda, a 16 year old girl in love…

Midwest Production Company Launches Small Equipment Fundraiser

Kokomo, IN, October 15th, 2014 – A small Midwest Production company hopes to launch half a dozen film projects with the success of their Indiegogo campaign,…

Chocolate is Not Better than Sex Indie Shoots December

Chocolate is Not Better than Sex, Independent Filmmakers, Aleisha Gore, Rebecca Whitman-Boldi, and Kimberly Estrada are making more than just another romantic comedy, chick-flick; they…

The Toxic Avenger’s Mark Torgl Funding New Film Through Indiegogo

March 2014 – Toxic Tutu is to be the only film that explains the public hiatus of actor Mark Torgl, star of the iconic cult…

Row Z – ‘Not a Zombie Film’

A small group of young talented individuals are currently in preproduction of an ambitious short film and need your help and support. Based in Falmouth,…

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