New Self-Monitoring Health And Wellness Service To Measure Vital Signs And Detect Health Issues

Vtuls, a new self-monitoring health and wellness service, is set to soon take the health technology and fitness industries by storm. Having just launched an…

Ph 360 Kickstarter Campaign For Mobile Virtual Health Assistant

It’s Just Like Googling Your Body: Revolutionary health technology has all the answers Shae™, like Siri for your health, is the evolution of the world-renowned…

Crowdfunding The People’s Trial: Is Aluminium Involved in Alzheimer’s Disease and Can Silicon-Rich Mineral Waters Protect Against Aluminium’s Involvement in the Disease?

We have all heard of Alzheimer’s disease. Many of us know someone who has been affected by this devastating disease. The clinical facts associated with…

The Fresh Food Paradise Corporation Announces New Healthy Ready Meals

Optimize your health with a unique, completely new one-of-a-kind tailored vegetable construction kit as a new alternative to healthy ready meals. Ithaca, NY – The…

Announcing the Elderbrook Cordial Tonics Campaign

The first ever range of completely natural, superfood cordials that make drinking water tasty in a healthy way. London, UK – June 7, 2015 –…

VIVE Lifestyle Network Opens Call for Entries to CROWDPOWER TV Crowdfunding TV Channel

Ahead of its series debut in July, VLN is soliciting 120 yet-to-launch crowdfunding campaigns globally to pitch their projects to a worldwide audience on its…

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