People Are Calling PICISI A Bright Idea

People are calling PICISI a bright idea, an innovative plan, a complex project, a global community, a growing startup, and a crypto currency; yes, it…

Promising Crowdfunding Site Set To Release New Cryptocurrency Aug 31st

In an effort to raise startup funds to develop what promises to be an innovative crowdfunding site, is launching a new cryptocurrency on August… Receives Contract To Develop PICISI (A Crowdfunding Site)

PICISI (pronounced ‘pic-ee-see’) is an ambitious plan for an innovative crowdfunding site. Campaign organizers will be able to raise funds in common currencies such as:…

PICISI, A Crowdfunding Startup Opportunity

In January of 2015 the Einsteinium foundation, a cryptocurrency (CC) organization, conducted a crowdfunding (CF) campaign to benefit a research scientist:, during that successful…

Crowdfunding Startup, PICISI, Looking For A Few Good Admins

Recently PICISI unveiled its site design concept at The design is bold and innovative, it tells viewers in no uncertain terms that cryptocurrency and…

PICISI Awards Its First Contract To MakingMoneyHoney

PICISI, a crowdfunding start-up presently under construction, recently announced that they awarded their first contract to MakingMoneyHoney and that payment will be made with “Pi”….