DJ Dirty Brown is now LIVE on Indiegogo

After long wait, finally DJ Dirty Brown is now live on Indiegogo. DJ Dirty Brown is a 13 issue comic about a young woman in…

New OCD-Based WebComic Hits Kickstarter

A new mental health based webcomic is coming up, and it needs your help to get started! Born of the mind of a young man…

“Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt” Comic Series Now on Kickstarter!

I have another project on Kickstarter now, called “Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt”. You can find it at: The Jonathin Quackup of the Planet…

Jörgits and End of Winter: An Illustrated Novel

A good old-fashioned hardcover novel, beautifully illustrated, a true keepsake for the whole family. Jörgits & the End of Winter is a full-length novel of…

DJ Comic Campaign Coming Soon On IndieGoGo

People of all ages like to see or read magical stories in their free time to fresh up their minds. People love those stories that…

Rock Slingers Kickstarter

Rock Slingers #1 is a 33 page story, plus extra articles written by Doug Nelson and containing illustrations by Josh Mills. It’s a complete story…

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