“Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it ‘the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through…
Confluence Art Group has developed a new product – PlaqCard –The Card to Keep and is looking to Kickstarter for initial funding to launch this…
Junction 86, the fun and playful greetings card company, has set up a Kickstarter project to raise sponsorship to fund printing their new range of…
Zombies of Kickstarter is a project for creating a deck of playing cards that features 54 uniquely designed illustrations of people as Zombies who back…
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1919680633/iron-kings-bicycle-playing-cards-deck?ref=live Printed by USPCC, Bicycle branded playing cards. 56 cards in a deck, air cushion finish. Designed and illustrated by…Johnny Whaam. “Iron Kings” were inspired…
Galaxy Cards are a very philosophical concept. One that is best learned by watching their excellently made video on the Galaxy Cards 2nd Edition Kickstarter…