Time To Be Real About Growing Up Now A Days

In the world we live in today it’s hard to find a company that cares. Burning House Productions is a partnership between two strong willed…

Share and Raise $50,000 With These Awesome People!

Uh Oh – the word is out now! Order the ebook and campaign program service – “Crowdfunding Doesn’t Have To Suck!” which is a guide for crowdfunding…

Introducing the Campaign to Create a New Publishing House for Indie Authors

Arden, NC | September 9, 2015 – Folktalesthings.com is a website dedicated to supporting new and blossoming independent authors. The website features various folk tales,…

Rock Slingers Kickstarter

Rock Slingers #1 is a 33 page story, plus extra articles written by Doug Nelson and containing illustrations by Josh Mills. It’s a complete story…

Self-Help Fantasy: An Empowering New Book Genre Is Kickstarting In Dallas

Dallas, TX – After enticing fantasy readers within the Dallas/Fort Worth area, author Demethius Jackson now intends to expand his readership through a newly initiated…

Kickstarter for The Realmsic Conquest Book Series

The Realmsic Conquest, by Demethius Jackson, has launched its first Kickstarter for The Realmsic Conquest Trilogy. We are excited super excited about the next phase…

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