Now introducing The Gong Fu Connection: an Action-Comedy short film with philosophical elements, written and directed by Ted Duran. This feature film campaign is live…
“Portraits of Hope” Generates Awareness and Funding for Southern California Equine Rescue Efforts July 16, 2014, SAN DIEGO, CA—Forestbird Photography announced the launch of a…
OVERVIEW First person psychological adventure game (Not Horror) Main character Dalton No missions, no health system, no AI, you’re not going to die Very intriguing…
I am a fashion designer and artist critically exploring the intersections of fashion, art, and storytelling executed through a unique combination of concept driven and…
A book that draws on the creative passions and connections of well-known artists from around the world. The Creative Pet Project started two years ago as…
The Brazilian production company Nimboo’s just finished filming its newest musical documentary about Portland and Brazil and are now with a crowdfunding campaign to finish…