Gibbous – A Comedy Cosmic Horror Adventure Made In Transylvania

Gibbous — A Cthulhu Adventure (PC, Mac, Linux) is a comedy point ‘n click love letter to classic-era Lucas adventures, HP Lovecraft, Hitchcock and many, many…

Kickstarter: Creating Positivity Inspiring Comics

Two Londoners aspire to portray real life issues faced by adults and young people alike, such as gang culture, racism and anti social behavior in…

Travel Movement: Inspiring Travel Across The Globe

Ever wanted to travel but have been held back by lack of money, time, fear or some other reason? Thousands of people across the globe…

Western Skies – An Astrophotography Book Of The Milky Way

Nothing is more peaceful to me than being out in nature with my camera and the Milky Way. Billions of stars in front of me…

“Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt” Comic Series Now on Kickstarter!

I have another project on Kickstarter now, called “Jonathin Quackup of the Planet Weralt”. You can find it at: The Jonathin Quackup of the Planet…

Scorpio: Climbing for Kids in the Nature

Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina — 26 December 2015 | The Extreme Sports Club Scorpio has launched on Indiegogo an initiative to teach rock climbing to kids. It is…

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