Los Angeles, CA, April 26, 2018 —Sugared kiss magazine launches Kickstarter campaign, quenches appetites for the erotic.

Expert erotic photographer Ashley Fontenot and famous fetish model Emily Marilyn have teamed up to produce Sugared Kiss Magazine, a brand-new publication serving those with an appetite for the amatory framed in a fresh, fun way.

“We looked around and realized all of our favorite artistic girlie magazines were gone,” says Fontenot. “We wanted to do something different. Something better. Working with Emily was a natural fit as she’s been my muse for years, and we both saw an opportunity to take doing what we love – showcasing beautiful women – in a way that isn’t being done anymore.”

Sugared Kiss will feature exquisitely curated content from a variety of photographers, models, designers and artists from backgrounds ranging from fashion to editorial to erotic. It is a collaborative effort to fill a niche left empty by the great magazines that have gone out of business over the last 15 years.

The founders of Sugared Kiss have launched their Kickstarter, which is scheduled to run through May 18th, 2018. They’ve set the goal at $8,500, a benchmark Fontenot says will help them purchase software and basic systems to get the publication up, running, and into the hands of their many excited fans. Backers will receive perks ranging from digital subscriptions to a one-of-a-kind experiences and even a custom latex ensemble valued at $1,500.

The Sugared Kiss Kickstarter Campaign can be viewed at: www.kickstarter.com

About Sugared Kiss:
Sugared Kiss is a bi-monthly digital and print-on-demand photography magazine featuring beautiful images of beautiful women. The first issue will be released in July 2018.

For more information please call Ashley Fontenot at 213-393-2697 or email sk@sugaredkiss.com.