Spread your love for independent films with Spark

We believe our job is to promote amazing films to audiences all around the world. Most of our films are produced by independent filmmakers and are showing on Viaway before they hit Cannes and Sundance film festivals. We are connecting viewers from all around the world with international films which they never would find without us.

To help our filmmakers to get noticed we created Spark!

You help us to choose best 100 independent films to receive $10,000 each for marketing and promotion.

Connect with filmmakers, directors, actors and actresses from around the world. Step into the limelight of film making. Live the glamour of their lives with Spark.

Step into the limelight of film making

Independent filmmakers have to direct, cast and produce amazing films on a limited budgets. Viaway created Spark to help independent films with marketing and promotion and give them global exposure.

You will be part of the process. You can nominate films – help us to screen top 100 winners and help us to promote them. Viaway is a missing link between international entertainment and viewers around the world.

What you get

Support independent films and be part of their success! We will reward you with FREE subscription to Viaway VIP service ($14.99 per month value) – all you can watch international entertainment on Viaway.

Contribute to our $1,000,000 campaign to invest into 100 films.

Your name, if you wish, will be mentioned in the list of credits before every film.

  • $10 Bronze Sponsor. Enjoy 1 month of Viaway VIP subscription. Your name will appear on the list of credits for 1 film
  • $50 Silver Sponsor. Enjoy 5 month of Viaway VIP subscription. Your name will appear on the list of credits for 5 films
  • $100 Gold Sponsor. Enjoy 12 month of Viaway VIP subscription. Your name will appear on the list of credits for 10 films

Step up and become an expert, judge or chairman! 

  • $1,000 Expert. You are an honorary member on film screening panel. 5 years of Viaway VIP subscription and your name on the lisf of credits for all films
  • $10,000 Judge. You are an honorary judge on film screening panel. 10 years of Viaway VIP subscription and your name on the list of judges for all films
  • $100,000  Chairman. You are the boss! 20 years of Viaway VIP subscription. Chairman position for the film screening panel with veto power and your name will be first on the list of credits!

Once you made your contribution, you will get Viaway VIP subscription, there is no need to wait. You can start casting your vote right away at viaway.com/sparkfilms

The Timeline

From now till the end of campaign filmmakers from all around the world are submitting their films for your screening. Imagine attending a 24/7 film festival. Your vote counts because experts want to know what you think.

On December 1st, Expert contributors will vote for the top entries which will be screened by Spark Judges.

On January 1st, 2014, Spark Chairman will announce the winners.

The Impact

All money raised will go to benefit independent filmmakers chosen by you. Come join us! Adventure awaits as you explore these great films and share your discoveries.

Other Ways You Can Help

Share your passion for independent films by spreading the word about Spark.