London, England – Indie author Beck Robertson has just launched an exciting new crowdfunding campaign for her latest book Fallen Heart, the first in a YA paranormal romance trilogy. Told from the perspective of sixteen year old male protagonist Bailey, the book offers fans of the genre a strong, fresh alternative voice as well a compelling supernatural storyline.

“I wrote Fallen Heart for the readers, so I decided rather than be constrained by the limits of traditional publishing I’d crowdfund it instead,” said author, Beck Robertson. Robertson has had some of her other work traditionally published but says her initial forays into getting Fallen Heart published made it clear the traditional publishing industry aren’t interested in paranormal romance anymore, so she decided to crowdfund instead.

Having studied angelology as part of her University course on mythology, Robertson was inspired to create the trilogy, which centers around the epic romance between Bailey, a fallen angel and his love interest Celeste, a mortal. The book is heavily influenced by the myths of angels and demons and these supernatural elements color Robertson’s work, catering to fans of Amanda Hocking, Stephanie Meyer and other popular authors within the paranormal genre.

“I’m not against trad publishing at all but I felt that a lot of the feedback I was getting from agents and publishers was trend led. They would say things like the writing was great but there wasn’t enough of an audience for this sort of thing right now yet I knew young adult paranormal romance is still a hugely popular genre so I wanted to prove them wrong,” Robertson said.

The campaign for Fallen Heart will run until May 9th on the Indiegogo crowdfunding platform and backers will receive a whole slew of unique perks, including a novel writing workshop with the author and the chance to appear in the book as a minor character. Fallen Heart’s release is planned for Summer 2016 and Robertson says she will bring the book to market even if she doesn’t reach her target fundraising goal.

“All backers will receive their perks even if I don’t reach the funding target thanks to Indiegogo’s flexible funding platform,” she says, adding “I’m a big fan of the paranormal romance genre and I wrote this book from the heart so I’m going to make it happen no matter the budgetary constraints.”

To back Fallen Heart visit the campaign page on Indiegogo here. Fans can also visit the trilogy’s website to keep up with news, updates and receive extra content.