Award-winning cinematographer Nick Cooke’s latest film project, Muló, is a modern ghost story set within a hidden Roma migrant shanty camp on East London’s hidden fringes.

The film’s Indiegogo campaign launched on the 9th September 2015 with a target to raise £10,570 over a 30-day campaign.

Working in collaboration with director Linda Cairns and producer Zakiya Petty, the film tells the story of Nicu, a Romanian Roma man beset by misfortune who is desperate to provide for his family back home, when he witnesses a murder. Trapped in a web of isolation and coercion, he is forced to make a grave decision with haunting consequences.

The film explores homelessness, migration and the pressures that drive good people to dark places. A million miles away from the scapegoating of tabloid headlines, Muló explores social and cultural realities that often exist for Europe’s largest minority living on the margins of our major cities.

Committed to telling a resonant and authentic story about a much misrepresented people, the lead actor has been cast from within the Roma community and the narrative has been developed as a close collaboration with Roma creatives.

Muló is 15 minute ghost story that takes place within a hidden Roma encampment in the woods off London’s North Circular motorway. For more information visit the website at To donate to the Indiegogo campaign For information on Nick Cooke (

For more information

Zakiya Petty
+44 (0) 7810 218 493